Private cosmetic dentist in Newcastle
Cosmetic teeth straightening Dental Implants
Dental Implant Referrals
We have a highly qualified team of dentists who limit their practice to the provision of high quality, aesthetic dental implants. Our implant team, comprising of Dr Lee Gemmell BDS, MFDS RCSEd, Dip Clin Implant Dent Ncl, Dr Neal Heaher BDS MFDS RCSEd, MSc Dental Implants, MAGDS RCSEd and Dr Chris Hanford BDS, MAGDS RCSEd, DipImpDent RCSEd all have extensive international training and highly regarded postgraduate qualifications in dental implantology.
We welcome referrals for all dental implant treatments, including anterior aesthetic implants, posterior implants requiring bone grafting, maxillary sinus augmentation and also management of failing implants.

Root filled tooth by Andrew Gemmell. Space distally but lacking bone height for implant

Root filled tooth by Andrew Gemmell. Space distally but lacking bone height for implant
Sinus lift and dental implant placement by Dr Neal Heaher