Updated 19th July 2021.
Whilst there is a general relaxation of COVID restrictions, it remains mandatory that masks must still be worn in healthcare settings unless you are exempt. All our staff are continuing to wear appropriate PPE and our cross infection measures remain unchanged.

Dental practices are highly skilled in infection control and we have well-established protocols that are regularly checked and audited against government standards. COVID-19 has presented everyone with new challenges, and as a practice we have implemented additional procedures in line with Public Health England and those from our Dental Regulators. Please be assured that our team is committed to maintaining the highest standards. We have installed mechanical ventilation systems in to all the surgeries to ensure frequent air changes and fog the surgeries with an anti-viral solution between patients after treatments.

When you visit the practice some of the measures we have put in place will be noticeable to you. We ask for your patience and understanding, as we all try to work our way through this period. Guidance is changing rapidly, and we have systems in place to make sure we are up to date. We have to operate a 'closed door policy' which means our front door will not be open when you arrive. Please telephone us when you have arrived for your appointment - to ensure we maintain social distancing measures in our waiting room, we may ask you to wait in your car.
If you have any worries or concerns please feel free to contact us and our staff will do their best to answer your questions.
If you or anyone in your household develop symptoms:
Please DO NOT attend the practice. Stay at home. Find out how to get a test. Contact NHS Test and Trace nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119.
If you have been told you have been exposed to an infected person you must isolate for 10 days. Stay at home. DO NOT attend the practice. We will rearrange your appointment.
· We have robust systems in place for screening all our team members for COVID-19 symptoms before they start work. Any engineers/visitors will also be managed in accordance with our policies.
· With the exception of children and patients in need of support, please come on your own.
· A distance of 2m must be observed if another patient is present in the practice. We have placed floor markers to help guide you.
· You will be required to gel your hands on entering and exiting the practice. We have dispensers available.
· Medical history questionnaires and forms required will still be filled in on our tablets. These are disinfected between each person.

· Staff will be wearing additional PPE where it is indicated. Please do not be alarmed by this, and please don't be offended if we do not shake your hand!
· There are strict protocols in place for cleaning the surgeries in between patients, including fogging of the rooms with an antiviral solution. This takes additional time. All of our surgeries have negative pressure air systems ensuring frequent air changes. Please understand that it may not be possible to quickly sort problems at your examination visit like we have done in the past. Understand that treatments will most likely need a separate visit arranged in order to keep everyone as safe as possible.
· Payment by cash or card is fine. Our team have been trained and we have hand gel for our hands and yours. The card machine is disinfected after every use.
· Items like magazines, tea and coffee facilities have been removed from the waiting room at the present time. These will return when they can.
· Please avoid touching surfaces in the practice, and also avoid touching your face or putting your fingers in your mouth to show us the problem!
· Toilets are still available, but if you could go before you get to the practice it would help us.
Although we are doing everything we can to minimise the risk to anyone contracting the virus, no policy or protocol can take that risk to zero. If you are anxious, or feel that there is anything you would like to discuss with us, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you soon!